Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Purge

It's one of those nights that I have a million things running through my head. I can't sleep because I want to DO! I want to get up and blog (that's why I'm here!). I want to edit videos I have ready and I want to sell all my stuff!


Sell all my stuff?


I'm a shopper. I love it. I've talked a little about it before...put me in a store, large or small and I can shop for hours if it is something in interested in. Put me in an electronic store and I'd be bored after about 20 minutes. Put me in a home/clothing/makeup/shoes/garden/tools/thrift and so on and you have to pry me out!

I don't know what it is. I can look for hours. I don't even have to buy. Sometimes I'll shop all day and spend like 10$. It's not because I don't have the money it's because I do try and NOT buy stuff! I wish I could be one of those people that doesn't LIKE to shop. It would be amazing! Then I could stay out of stores and not be lured in by amazing sales and clearance racks and "oh shiny!" everything!

Unfortunately I love it. So, because of this love, my lovely hubby has had to rein me in a bit. If he didn't, our house would be full of stuff that we "totally needed!"

Like I talked a little bit about in my Documentary blog, I also said I love to purge! Yes, that is a weird combo but hey! I'm weird so that's ok. Maybe it's because I like to shop so much that I can purge and buy new! No, not really ha!

On this whole road to discovering who I am and changing the way I live, I have tried to change my love for shopping as well. It's not a healthy habit. I don't need that instant gratification I get from shopping. I like it, but I don't need it.

So here I am...wanting to shop and upgrade and buy new and even old (I LOVE antiques!) but I'm trying to change for the better and accumulating a bunch of stuff isn't going to better myself.

That being said, it's garage sale time!! Yes, again! I have a few of us going in together in a couple weekends and I'm hoping to sell a ton again. It's a reason I can't sleep tonight! I want to put things together. Start pricing things! Post pictures! Get it out!

I love the feeling I get after a good purge almost as much as I like the feeling I get after buying a while bag of makeup from Ulta!

After cleaning out drawers and selling off things that aren't needed I feel calm. It's totally that "less is more" thing. I can walk through my house and not be bothered by things that need attention- put away- cleaned or fixed!

I know I can't be the only one who likes to purge and shop! Anyone else? Let's do a huge purge together!!

Go through a room in your house, a drawer, anything that has been bothering you and get rid of stuff! Give it away, sell it, or trash it! Get rid of the extra junk you don't need and have a feeling of calmness as you walk through your house. It's only STUFF!

We aren't here to collect stuff we are here to love. So, get rid of the stuff that bothers you and have more time for love!

Don't eat the bad food! Don't over spend! Don't shop! Be happy with what you have now!! Nobody cares if your house is perfectly decorated. No one else will care what kind of car you drive as long as you're there! Eat what makes you happy and healthy! Go spend time with your family and friends!

Don't accumulate stuff!
Just love!

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