Monday, August 8, 2016

How do you stop?

Why do we choose to eat bad things when we know that they are bad for us?

We have all done it. Eat a candy bar while we scream in our head- NO!! But yet we still eat it. Why? Why do I eat something knowing that it is bad for me? Why am I ok with putting extra-not needed calories into my body when I'm trying to loose weight? Trying to be healthy?

I guess it's what everyone talks about- will power. Or is it? Is it because I have no will power that I've gained all this weight? Is it because I just don't care? Or is it because it's really hard to say no to bad food?

I want to think it's a mixture of all of it. I have amazing will power some days. I could say no to ice cream, chocolates and cheese its with no problems at all. The next day I'm shoveling in anything I can and it's never enough. Like the will power I had the day before was pointless and never there.

Is it hormones? Is it stress? Probably.

How do I overcome it? That's the big question I need answered. On days that I'm just not feeling it, or days that I want to eat everything in site- how do I say no? How do I choose the better option when I'm craving a fat greasy cheeseburger?

Unfortunately there is no one answer. Having planned out options is a great idea but there are a lot of days where planning goes out the window. Having snacks and healthy food all around you all the time doesn't stop me from buying something extra on days where I'm craving bad things. So, how do I stop myself?

I guess focusing on my goals will help. Imagining that day I get to go into my closet and pick out that super cute outfit I've been trying to fit into and finally getting to wear it!

I'll focus on being healthy for my little. I don't want her to struggle like I have my whole life. I want her focus to be on something else than loosing weight all the time.

Most importantly I'll focus on me. I want to be healthy. I want to be able to hike. I want to run without feeling like I'm going to die. I want to be able to sit in any chair and feel comfortable and not awkward. I want to sit and not have to fix my shirt over my rolls. I want to be able to cross my legs again and be comfortable doing so.

So here is to new thoughts and a new focus. If you need help- message me. I'm here for you with no judgement because trust me I've been there!

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