Thursday, July 28, 2016

Eating bad. Sometimes.

So, it's been a few weeks since I have written anything and I guess it's time for confession. Bless me not that kind but still a confession none the less.

After vacation I did my weigh in and had only gained about 2 pounds. With everything I ate, I was shocked! I should have gained at least 5 but more like 10! I guess all the walking and little bits of hiking we did helped keep foods from sticking to me.

Since vacation (2 weeks now...feels like 2 months!) I haven't been eating the greatest. I have done great during the days most days but then when evening hits we have eating bad. I haven't had my amazing veggie patties until tonight...that killed me!

The hubby got hurt at work so he was off for a couple days and was super board at home. He's so used to working out at our 2 different gyms at least 4 days a week, before vacation, that he just about lost it. So, because he can't do anything physical we have mainly just walked, soaked in the hot tub or pool, shopped some and ate. And by eating I mean eating out.

I think I've made dinner like 6 times since being home. That leaves about 8 or 9 days of eating out. (ugh! the money we have wasted!!) Calories add up super fast eating out! We have gone to places like Outback, had some nummy Mexican food, ate frozen pizza and even had Sonic last night for dinner.

As I ate my popcorn chicken I glanced at the calorie count next to the number on the menu...1100 to 1200. (don't do that! Ever!) Holy moly. That's more then I should eat in a day right now. Freaked me out some so I ate the chicken, and only ate a couple of the onion rings and shared my drink with the little and tried not to think about it.

This morning I weighed in on my own scale. I'm still up my 2 pounds but not any higher. It's funny because I have been expecting it to keep climbing but it hasn't. It's like I'm testing myself. Like, well- this whole diet thing didn't work so I can give up now and just be fat forever. But it's not going up despite the horrible way I've been eating in the late afternoon and evening.

When I talked to my doctor at my appointment a week and a half ago she (a P.A. for my normal doctor) told me that I've kept my metabolism going by eating every few hours even when I was eating horrible on vacation. So, even though I ate horrible and have continued to eat that way some of the time, my metabolism is staying higher then normal.

If you don't understand I'll try and explain...hopefully I'm not telling it totally wrong! This is how my doctor explained it to me in a nutshell....

If you go hours and hours between meals your body thinks it may be your last for hours or even days so it freaks- stores all your food (fat) for energy later on. Then when you get you next meal it will do the same thing - store fat. Thus you'll gain weight or maybe just stay the same weight.
By eating every 2 to 3 hours your body is getting the nutrition it needs and it doesn't think you're starving. So it knows it can burn some of your excess fuel (fat). Once you've started eating every couple of hours for a few days straight your body knows you're not starving and decides to release excess fat. Thus you loose weight.

I think that is how it was explained to me so if I got a little messed up I'm sorry. Go ahead and Google away and you will find it explained to you very well by someone that knows way more about then I!

But here is what it had done for me. Because I have eaten on a normal schedule of every 2 to 3 hours (even bad meals) I've kept my metabolism up and haven't gained anything to speak of. I've been basically just sitting where I have been for a few weeks now.

So ask yourself...Are you eating enough? Are you keeping your body from freaking out and storing every bite you take in after 8 hours of not eating? I know it's hard to eat every 2 to 3 hours. That's why I have bars and premade protein shakes at my fingertips all the time. That way I know I can eat or drink something fast. Get it out of the way and go about my day. Now I know it would be great to eat bad food all day every 2 or 3 hours but you have to eat something healthy. No candy meals!

Don't like protein bars? Or Shakes? Grab a few slices of deli meat a string cheese and 2 hard boiled egg whites. You can come up with a lot of different meals if you're not ok with eating the same thing most days or don't like the shakes and bars.

Well here I am about a month into my journey and I'm down about 7-ish pounds. Its funny because 2 months ago I would be super proud and all woohooing at a 7 pound loss. This month, because I know I could have done better I'm upset with myself. Not in a bad way like I want to give up, or I'm shaming myself. Just in a way that I know I could have made better choices.

August is just a few days a way and I'm onto a new month and a new outlook. I have done great this month, failed miserably and had okay days in between. I'm still down some pounds and I'm happy about that. This month I want to loose another 7 pounds.

Here's to eating every 2 or 3 hours, getting lots of protein at every meal and eating a nice healthy dinner! Let's do this thing!!

Here's also to fall coming around the corner!! My favorite! Yay sweatshirts and boots!! Little early? Yea I know haha!

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