Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Not dead...

It's been a hot minute-no make that hot MONTH(s)- since I have written anything. (I have tried to write SO many times but when you exit out of this wonderful app without actually saving erases everything! Can you say Microsoft Word 1998!? Get with it Blogger!) That being said, you haven't missed too much. I have stayed on track some and gone astray.
Lately I have been doing well with my workouts and not so much with my eating. But seriously now, it was Thanksgiving week. Yes week. Or am I the only one who has a while week of Thanksgiving. And no not because I have multiple families I have to eat Turkey Dinner with but because my birthday is almost always the same week. It leads to lots of dinners out, lots of desserts for celebrating and lots of bad choices. We also have our kitchen torn apart right now as well.
So, between the week of Thanksgiving and Birthday celebrations and the kitchen being torn apart we have not eaten the best and I haven't had any time really to work out. Most nights have been taken by family time or kitchen construction.
Good excuses? No? Whatever. Tomorrow is a new day and I plan on making the best of it. We went food shopping today so we should be able to stay in track this week a lot easier. Kitchen is still torn apart a little but I have some foods that won't require too much prep or cleanup.
Oh! I started training for a Tough Mudder! O once had someone tell me I could never do one so I'm on a mission to prove to myself that I can! It's been so much fun! A couple close friends and I have been walking, weight training and doing some HITT cardio to try and start us off. They have been great accountability partners and cheerleaders. We are going to kick some butt!
I'll try and start logging my workouts better and writing it here for anyone who might get some use out of it. I was logging my food for about 3 weeks and then set the book aside and haven't logged in 2. Its weird how you get so good at writing things down and then poof it's like you never did it once!
I am also trying to set more goals. And not the big ones like...loose 100 pounds. But the small reachable ones that everyone is always talking about. I'm a big goal setter! I want it done and done now! So, making little goals to reach has always been a weird concept for me but I'm going to try it out some more and see if it really helps.
I want to set some small goals in a few different areas so I feel like I'm accomplishing more like I'm used too but make sure they are small so that I can reach them.
So let's see...
Weekly goals👉👉
Goal #1 Log my food for an entire week
#2 Tea instead of coffee drinks
#3 No eating lunches out
Workout Goals...
Goal #1 walk 10 miles outside
#2 one bike ride inside
#3 one night if HITT cardio
Month Goals....
#1 no blatantly sugary foods until Christmas Eve (ahhhhh!! sugar how I love thee!)
#2 take time every day for myself
#3 slow down
Do you set goals? Are they normally the big ones like I do? Get your teaching certificate! Loose 100 pounds! Repaint the entire inside of the house! Remodel the kitchen in 2 days! Ha! See! My goals are big goals! Some I've done- some I'm working on and some are just not gonna happen! 2 days? Ha!
Have an amazing week!

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