Wednesday, February 1, 2017

A good percentage is 80/20 right?!

Eat right and exercise they say. If you eat right you'll loose weight. If you add in some cardio and lift some weights you'll loose it faster. What if you do both and you see nothing? What if you do both and you only loose 1.6 pounds over a months span? (My doctors scale said I lost 5 pounds, which I don't trust because on my scale at home it still says only 1.6 down.)

At the start of the month I really started focusing on what I was eating again and I started training with a personal trainer twice a week and working out with a friend or on my own a couple times a week. I also stopped eating out as often (we've gone out maybe 3 times this last month verses at least 3 times a week before). I homemake all our meals and prep for a few days out. The meat I eat is super lean at 97% fat free. I sauté my veggies in a little bit of olive oil or steam them in the microwave with water. Sometimes I'll have half a sweet potato, or about 1/4 cup of wild rice mixed with quinoa. Protein shakes or protein pancakes for breakfast.

Over the last month I've also eaten some bad things as well. Not going to try and hid it, but it's been every five or so days and normally its something small. Yesterday it was a homemade brownie with a small scoop of ice cream. Last week it was a few chocolate covered cashews. The week before it was a pint of Protein Ice Cream. I figure if I want to try and stick to this healthy way of eating that I need to still have things I crave or I'll just say screw it all and give in. That 80/20 right? 80% healthy clean meals and 20% fun but still healthy treats. It's trying to keep it at a minimum that is my biggest issue.

So, here I am, still trying to loose with nothing really to show. Clothes still fit the same, scale still says the same weight. However, my face isn't as puffy since I've cut out all the extra salt from eating out so, that's a plus! I am getting stronger with my personal training sessions which is a big bonus! I'm learning to enjoy home cooked meals again! I'm not giving up!!
Let's see where I am next month!! 

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