Monday, June 27, 2016

8 days down!

So! It's been a little over a week since starting my new diet and new road with my new doctor and all I can say is....

It's been WONDERFUL! Hard. But wonderful!

Seeing the number on the scale go down is AMAZING! I haven't seen the scale go down in over 2 years! Every time I have stepped on that stupid scale it's been one of 2 options....a larger number or the same dumb number I have seen the last 12 times I had stepped on it. But, it's actually going down! Wow. What a huge sense of accomplishment I have!

I know we all want to know how much weight I've lost since starting. It's been a total of 8 days and I've lost 10 pounds! Wow. I still can't even believe this. It's just amazing. I've even wake up feeling good! Not exhausted, not bloated from the day before, not depressed knowing I am still on this same road to higher scale numbers.

The meds my new doctor has me on have helped tremendously with energy and with not wanting to eat on a constant basis.

- The new Thyroid medicine seems to be helping a lot with my energy level and just with my overall health. I feel better. Happier. It's hard to explain. I feel normal.  I guess that's it. I feel normal! Not in a constant depressed, sleepy, brain foggy, could fall asleep at the drop of a hat- mood. I actually just realized that I don't have that constant brain fog anymore. Wow. What it's like to be able to think!!

-The appetite suppressants have really helped as well. The last couple of days I have forgotten to take my afternoon dose and I really have noticed the difference. In the evening is when I've always wanted to eat everything in site so the last few nights I've really had to work at not eating anything extra. Today I'll remember to take my afternoon dose since we are yet again out of town. I know we will be around a lot of food the next two days and I don't want to have that constant nag of hunger AND have all the nummy food I could want right at my finger tips. I know I'll cave!

I know a lot of my close friends have thyroid problems and may be wondering what he has me on that is extra. Well, I already take a pretty large dose of Levotyroxine at 150mcg (a T4 medicine). Most everyone I know is normally about 50 to 115. The extra med he put me on is a T3 medicine that is called Liothyronine. I would asume that my dose is pretty small at only 25mcg per tab.

If you don't know the difference between the two medicines and what T3 and T4 are, there are tons of websites that you can look up to know the differences. It's too much info for my little blog to get into. And I'd hate to mess it up and give you wrong information! So go learn what it all means if you don't know! It is very interesting to see what it all means and just how important your thyroid functioning properly is!!

The appetite suppressants he has me on have been on the market for almost 50 years and are FDA approved and have never been recalled. They are called Diethylpropion. If you're not near my doctor and want to try this medicne, ask your doctor about them! Never hurts to ask and I have not had really any side affects. And I'm SUPER sensitive to caffeine so if you're thinking they might be too much on you, I'd at least try one if your doc thinks it's a good idea. I get super hyper and talk and mile and minute in the morning if I don't take them while eating food. But even if I'm drinking my first protein shake of the day and take them, I'm normally just fine.

We all know I'm not a doctor so go and talk to your doctor, go see my doctor or find a new doctor. Talk to them about your thyroid if you have problems or think you might, ask about possibly adding in an appetite suppressant to aid in your excess hunger. I am definitely not the know all of this stuff but I do know what is currently helping me! And maybe it will help you too!

Ok, so what I've been eating the last couple of days has varied from what I ate the first few days that I was on this new diet. The last few nights (because of my lack of second appetite suppressant) I have wanted to eat A LOT! I've not let myself do that but I have had real meals instead of the boxed stuff I was eating.

Last night I went shopping with some close friends and before I left I wanted to make sure I wasn't hungry. I cooked 2 veggie patties that have about 10 grams of protein and about 44 grams of carbs for the both of them. I put sliced tomatoes over them and enjoyed every bite. They tasted good and were not too terrible for me. Little high in carbs but I also ate a protein bar that evened the protein to carb ratio out.

After 2 hours of shopping and trying on a ton a clothes I had worked up a huge appetite again. We all went to Subway around the corner and I had a salad with chicken (sorta-vegan) and all the veggies with a little sweet onion sauce as my dressing. It filled me up for the rest of the night and again wasn't terrible for me.

Technically I'm not supposed to eat any meals that aren't from my doctors office but it hasn't been very doable the last few days. And again because I haven't taken my afternoon doses of meds I want to eat a lot more then I should. I think at my appointment this week I'm going to tell him that I don't want to eat his meals the entire day. I need real food. I crave healthy food so I need to eat it. And he doesn't care, just wants to know so he can monitor it.

I'm so excited to weigh in this Friday. Never thought I'd say that or feel that way in a million years! Even on my previous weight loss journey did I get excited about weighing in! I always dreaded it.

Oh and to let you know- I  have been weighing in every day. (Only because I'm on this super strict part of my diet.) I have seen the scale go up and down even in this last week too the tune of a gain of 5 pounds in a day! So, if you're weighing in every day...stop! It's not good for us. It's hard to see a gain of 5 pounds in a day. You start to wonder what happened. What did I do wrong, what can I eat that's better? It's just our bodies. Tomorrow I'll be down 8 pounds! So don't weight in everyday! Just don't!

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