Friday, June 10, 2016

Fat kid Day

So, today I feel like a fat kid who got away with eating the whole bag of marshmallows before their mom found out!

The family and I Went out to dinner Last night because the hubby and I both worked late. Which meant no left overs for lunch.

I woke up and got ready for work and then found no almond milk for my normal protein shake. I can't stand them with water or normal milk so I skipped it expecting to grab some toast at the coffee shop next door. Nope. They were fresh out of bread?! Huh? So, a bagel with a little bit of cream cheese it was.
See. Sorta-vegan.

I had a nice big veggie salad for lunch with a little ranch. We then went to take my mother in law out for dinner for her birthday. She picked Red Robin and I had a lettuce wrapped veggie burger and a few fries. After, I had a berry soft serve from Costco which is defiantly NOT vegan and shortly after I felt 9 months pregnant I was so bloated!

Did I mention that I had a box of Hot Tamales too? No? Yea, I ate one of those too. Now, I feel like my once loose fitting top is skin tight!

All in all it wasn't a horrible day but I feel awful because of the little extra dairy I had and the fries. I did choose better options by having a salad instead of having another bread option. I had my burger wrapped in lettuce and I chose the veggie patty instead of the meat option. And having the soft serve was so I could skip the chocolate cake.

Tonight I'll drink a ton of water to try and flush out the bloat. Maybe I'll have a strawberry drink too. I make these water and strawberry drink which really helps the bloating.

I take my little bullet blender cup, fill it half way with water add a little crystal light (any flavor really, I use lemon or blackberry and lemon or even strawberry) then I fill the rest with frozen strawberries. Blends great and is super good with really minimal calories.

Speaking of strawberries, our strawberries have been growing like crazy already this year. If I could keep them out of my daughter's hands I could actually bring some in one day! Unfortunately they are "hers" and I sometimes get 1. Maybe 2. And that is only if I can pluck one from a plant before she sees it!

Gotta love having a little gardener!

Here's to better days! And to making decisions that are better now than I would have made 6 months ago!!

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