Sunday, June 5, 2016


I've always loved swimming. As a kid I remember being in our above ground pool learning to swim when I was super small. It was so fun. My mom probably didn't think so.

I remember one time my lovely, protective big brother and a friend of his were making a whirlpool in in said pool. I was in a little floaty toy and they hadn't noticed I flipped over mid whirl! My mom quickly fetched me out of the water and I was just fine.
I still loved swimming.

My grandma used to take all the grand kids to the beach every time she got. I would run straight for the water every time. I would stay in it having the waves knock me over and over. It's what I looked forward to every summer.

The last week we have spent lots of hours in our new gyms pool. Now, little miss loves the water as well. She asks to go every day now. Heck yes we can go to the pool! Let's roll!
Today the hubby and little girl played in the shallow end while I tried the lanes. I have been wanting to actually learn how to officially swim now for a few years. I try and I am horrible at It. I can't get the rhythm down or the breathing. I'm sucking in air and water at the same time and blowing out what air I have saved under the water. It's honestly hilarious.

It doesn't help either that I have a fear of deep ends in pools. It's weird, I know.

My first lap to he 6 foot area I just about jumped out. I had to calm myself down from screaming like a little girl to the hubby to come save me! I mean if the little 9 year old next to me can be playing there then I needed to suck it up! No little water monsters were going to take me under.

So, off I went back to the shallow end. I did a lot of laps in about an hour span. It was so amazing. Even though I have a breath length shorter then your average tree trunk- I think it went pretty well. My legs are sore out and my arms are feeling it as well.
Tomorrow I'll try and do some more laps while the little is in the big kid class.

Hopefully I won't drown.

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