Tuesday, June 21, 2016


I love documentaries. I don't know what it is but I can watch them pretty much all day, everyday. Maybe it's because I get so caught up in them that I am either throwing away all my stuff to live "small" or buying a new juicer and a 20 pound bag of carrots to start juicing 5 times a day. The idea of something new to try is so much fun to me.

These are some of my favorite health types that are all on Netflix. Some are pretty graphic and all are very eye opening!

My poor family and mainly hubby has to put up with me when I get into a "docu-kick". I'm either telling them all about it or trying to get them on this new bandwagon with me... "Lets cut out all processed foods! It's killing us!" "Lets live in a house where we throw NOTHING away!!" It can all be used some how right? Can you say compost? Goggles from toilet paper rolls? That's right. Save it ALL!

Then a week later I watch a one on hording and throw EVERYTHING away!! NO more shopping EVER! Those are my purging days. Lately I've had a LOT of purge days! My house is getting pretty empty actually. To the point that I am having a huge yard sale this next weekend and selling everything but the sheets we sleep in. Well, maybe I kept a little more then that.

I saw this quote below once and fell in love. It was around the first time I purged the whole house. It worked well. I was able to give a ton away, sell a bunch of useless stuff and I ended up feeling a little more free. Weird right?

You hear about people having an Ah-Ha moment in their life and it completely changes them. Well, I seem to have one every time I watch a new documentary. I think that's why I love them so much. I always take away something from one. Whether it's to stop eating as much processed foods or if its to stop buying so much stuff. I pull little things from them and it normally changes my life. Am I the only one? Maybe this is a really weird quirk about me. O'well. I'll take it.

In this new journey to be healthy I am trying to get rid of bad habits and habits that get me nowhere. My love for shopping gets me nowhere. Except into more debt! Eating a ton of processed foods is horrible for me and just makes me fatter! Anyone else have a bad habit that watching a film could help break? Watch Food Inc. You'll never have fast food again!

Oh, and I think this is hilarious....some food for thought....

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