Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Bulls? What bulls?

Today has been the first day where I've actually craved food. Not just thought about how great it would be to have a donut or to eat some ice cream but actually craved food!

I want food! Like, all of it!! Not like sitting next to amazing chips and salsa that I can say no to. No, I want to eat everything! I'm so hungry today! It's been rough!

We all have days where we can say no to everything that is bad for us...
"Nope...no chips for me. I'm good."
"Nope, no Chick-fil-a for me, I got a goal!!"
"Thanks, no donuts for me!"

Then we all have days like this...
"Babe, let me smell your fries."
"Baby girl, you don't want that last piece of candy do you?"
"Babe, just give me the dang fries!!"
"Don't make me cut you for that last brownie!"

It just sucks! It's hard to know what I'm going to wake up like. One day I will wake up with the will power of a body builder, the next I day you have to pry food away from me!

All in all I've done really well today. I had a vegetarian omelet this morning with no cheese. (We are still out of town so we had to eat out.) I had a protein bar and a few protein drinks like normal and even had these little chocolate protein bites that are really good. However, for dinner the hubby wanted Chick-fil-A so we stopped there on our way back home. I had like 2 fries and a chicken sandwich without the top bun. Not great but could have been much worse!!

Days like today are why I started this blog. I wanted it to help keep me accountable. To know I have people in my corner. I also wanted those who read my blogs to know that we all have days where we wake up ready to "grab the bull by the horn" and then we smell fries and it's all over.

Tomorrow is a normal, but very long day at work. No- four hour drive. No reason to eat out. No reason to go off track. I'll make sure I bring enough food with me for the day and hopefully it'll also be a "bull by the horn" type a day!

Wish me luck!

Oh! These are the Chocolate Protein bites I was talking about. Super good!

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