Monday, June 20, 2016

DIET time!! Yes...a Diet!

Yesterday was day 2 of my new diet. Normally I wouldn't call it a diet but this is in fact a diet that I'm on right now. It's not a way of living. I've cut a lot of calories daily and until I can go back to a normal healthy way of preparing my own meals this is a DIET. Something that I won't always do. It is to jump start my new journey.

The new doctor I saw was amazing. (If you haven't read my previous posts, I've had a hard time finding a doctor to help me out with my weight gain and loss.) I saw him on Friday afternoon, spent almost 2 hours at my first appointment while he explained everything to me. It was awesome!

He asked about my life. What I do for work? What my Husband does? Where our little goes during the days? Do we get to eat meals together? What is a normal day like? What, where and when have I been eating? So many questions to try and get a picture of what MY life is like. Then he asked more questions! It was amazing to have an actual MD ask me questions and want to help me and not just give me a cookie cutter answer. He explained everything to me in depth.

He broke down what MY current day of eating currently looks like. Showed how not eating for over 2 to 3 hours my blood sugars and insulin levels were tanking and storing fat. Showed me that what I was eating wasn't in the right protein to carb to fat ratio. Mostly I was not getting nearly enough protein in a day.

He liked the protein, almond milk and strawberry drink I have almost every morning and told me that I could continue to have it. I'm drinking 2 a day now. He wants me eating about 6 meals a day. Very small meals ranging from 150 to 250 calories a meal. Now I know you're going to freak out when you total the amount of calories a day BUT it's only for a 2 week time frame then he checks all my stats and we go over it all together. His main concern is that I am not loosing too fast. Which we all say we want but loosing muscle mass isn't good. And loosing too much too fast will loose muscle not fat.

Speaking of muscle he told me exactly what my muscle content, fat content and water content was at my appointment as well. Very interesting. I guess I have a great muscle mass from my previous gym time and current time. So under this fat, I have good bones and good meat! Was nice to know I'm not ALL flubber!

My meals are small pre-packaged meals right now. So far most of them have been good, mainly the bars and different protein chips and such. Only one was super gross- a tomato soup that I think was supposed to be red in color but more resembled Pepto-soup. Totally pink and chunky. So gross. I'll have to try and make that better...maybe some fresh tomatoes and basil from the garden. Today I'm also going to try another hot meal so I will let you know how that goes. Please pray!

Am I dying from not eating the fun stuff? Yes and no. We went out of town for the weekend and I knew had I not started the diet the day we left, I'd just come home full of sugar and bad for me foods and be depressed. I bit the bullet and ate my small meals throughout the day for 2 days while I watched people eat all my favorite foods. And I actually was ok with it! Weird. Normally I would have been super envious about the donuts my little and hubby were eating. But instead I thought about my goals and just said no. I have will power! Who knew?!

So here are my numbers. This is about me getting healthy but I want to know that you're not alone if you're reading this. I want to be honest with myself as well as honest for those of you that are reading this. My numbers currently suck. But in only 2 days I'm already down 3 pounds. I can't wait to see what it will be in 2 weeks. 2 months!

I weighed in at his office at 252,2 pounds
Total body fat weighed in at 108.9 pounds or 43.6% (Should be about 17-22%)
Total muscle weighed in at 140.9 pounds or 56.4%
My BMI is 44! Ugh! So horrible!
He has me taking appetite suppressants 2 times a day and also has me on some strong Vitamins.

I can't believe I'm even posting those numbers. So embarrassing. But they can only get better from here. In fact they already are better! I'm in this for the long haul. Even though I'm on a diet right now I can't wait to turn it back into my healthy lifestyle again. I miss craving fruits and vegetables. I used to CRAVE broccoli! Can you believe that? I loved it! After the gym my mouth would water over the fact I would soon be eating a ton of steamed veggies!! So good!!

Oh! I didn't mention water. He told me to of course drink more water. The last week I've been trying to drink a lot more anyway so it was easy to continue. It actually helped a lot in the cravings I had this weekend. I just put those little crystal light packets in my bottles of water and it helped to drink them even easier.

So, go.

LOTS of it!!

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